Wednesday, October 15, 2008

I caint believe this

This afternoon, i found out that Father Charlie, one of the priests in my church is a pedophile.i couldn't believe it because he was such a good guy .sometimes he would even come to my mother and godmother house to eat.He was caught sending web cam video of himself masturbating to what he thought was a thirteen year old boy. A undercover cop was posing as a thirteen year old boy in Colorado to stop child pedophile over the Internet.Father Charlie was bailed out of prison by St. john university where he worked.he was sent to a psychiatric facility after being bailed.His next trial would be on November 2008.Hearing this is making me think twice about the safety of the people in church mainly the children.We are in a world where the church a place where god is supposedly at are pedophiles disguised as priest who touch and abuse little children.Not so long ago another priest from my church was also accused of touching a little girl his

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