Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Today i feel that i am losing my best friend and she doesn't even care.I feel she would chose "The thing" before she even thinks of me. I have known this girl for about 4 years and she has known "the thing" for a year. she is always tells me "ooh ya we going to hang out today i promise" and i look at her with a face of discontent because i know the possible result but i still have a bite of faith that maybe it will happen ,but she ends up disappointing me over and over again. We do not talk like we use to we have become distance and neither of us cares to fix it.The problem needs 2 to fix it and will only work if it was two."The thing" stay following her he never let her breathe i sometime begin to think if"The thing" has a life.i don't mean for her to pick and choose because i know she loves both of us but is it so much to ask when you want to spend at least 4 Min's with your best friend with out "the thing" coming to mess it all up.i haven't talk to her in about 2 month and god can only guess why.i just have one question for my best friend did you really mean what you always told me?

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